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Medico Legal Services

Medico Legal Services

Medico Legal Services
  • To deal with all medico-legal cases like road-side accidents, Railway injuries, all suicidal, homicidal and assault cases, factory accidents etc.
  • To tackle with Non-MLC cases who requires consideration to preclude complication in future.
  • To give professional council/reply to notices served from medical council/institution or governmental agencies.
  • To prepare all documentation as per hospital requirements(OPD case paper, Indoor case paper, operative paper, Consent papers and all certificates etc.)as per M.C.I. guidelines in old and new establishments.
  • To direct the maintenance of hospital records so as to keep them medico legally sound.
  • To manage all legal proceeding in cases of civil and criminal negligence and consumer cases.
  • Medico-Legal training of medical and paramedical staff of your hospital.
  • Evaluation of Injuries.